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Pride Badges

Show your support for love with our beautiful Pride Badges in rainbow colors. Copenhagen Pride is an LGBT and human rights festival held in Copenhagen every August. Whether you're participating in the Pride Parade or just want to show your support for the LGBTQ+ community, badges are an effective tool. Consider creating pride badges with your company logo, sending a clear message to your customers that you are inclusive of all people. Badges can also be made into magnets and possibly given as promotional gifts or used as inclusive marketing for your business.

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Pride Badges

Vis din støtte til kærligheden med vores flotte pride parade badges i regnbuens farver.

Copenhagen Pride er en LGBT- og menneskerettighedsfestival, der finder sted i København hvert år i august.

Uanset om du deltager i Pride Parade eller blot ønsker at vise din støtte til LGBTQ+ miljøet, er badges et effektivt værktøj.

Du kan skabe dine egne pride badges med firmaets logo og sende et tydeligt signal til dine kunder om, at I er rummelige over for alle mennesker.

Disse badges kan også laves som magneter og gives som strøgaver eller bruges som inkluderende markedsføring for din virksomhed.

Related keywords (click to close)


  • Pride badges
  • Pride merchandise
  • LGBTQ+
  • Eget design

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