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Vi laver alt i medaljer. Her i denne kategori putter vi langsomt alle vores mange hundrede forskellige medaljetyper online. Har du brug for noget specielt så skriv eller ring til os allerede idag. Ring på 86 32 7006

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Fast production
Medal Quick Production - Made in Europe
Medals with Custom Ribbon. This type of medal is made in Europe. Option for smaller quantities.
Starting at €1.50
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Wooden Medals - Medals Made of Wood
The medals are laser-engraved with the design. The ribbon can be made in a solid color or with full-...
Starting at €2.00
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Metal Medals (without enamel colors)
Stunning "pure" metal medals. Choose from a variety of metals.
Starting at €2.20
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Medals with Inlaid Enamel Colors
Create your very own unique medals for events like a children's race or a chess tournament.
Starting at €2.20
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Fast production
Create Your Own Medal - Matte Gold Medal with Stickers to Design Your Own Motif
This package includes a sleek matte gold medal along with 5 stickers that are perfect for writing or...
Starting at €14.00
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Fast production
Silver Medal - Stock Medal
Silver stock medal with options for text and design on both sides.
Starting at €3.30
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Wooden Medal Budget with Print - Cotton, Starch, and Wood
Affordable in small quantities. Choose, for example, a natural brown or a dark gray, and it looks ve...
Starting at €1.53
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Custom-Shaped Plywood Medals
Starting at €1.00
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Wooden Medal with Cotton Ribbon
Wooden Medal with Cotton Ribbon - A medal made of natural wood with a 100% cotton cord, equipped wit...
Starting at €1.01
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Custom designet karate medalje Vi kan lave alt i medaljer. Vi har lavet pins i 15 år og det at lave pins og medaljer er faktisk det samme. En medalje er bare en meget stor pin med et bånd.

Først slås medaljen ud, derefter legeres den i det metal du ønsker. Der er mange forskellige legeringer at vælge imellem alt fra guld, sølv, messing og bronze, men også matte og antikbehandlinger. 

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